The programme:
- Zen Buddhism: history and theory – the 4 noble truths, different teaching styles, profiles of the most important masters, Zen as training,
- introduction to Zen practice – body position, what to do with the head?
- 10 minutes of zazen (practice),
- questions, reflections,
- presentation of instruments and objects for practice,
- 5-minute break in concentration,
- Roshi speech (online meeting),
- 15 minutes of zazen (practice)
- Q&A.
* Maria Moneta-Malewska is a psychotherapist, specialising in personality development, emotional intelligence and business coaching. She is also an active and well-known expert in the field of addiction prevention. She is the author of many books and publications on psychology: "Narkotyki w szkole i w domu", "Być tutaj" (together with Wojciech Eichelberger), "Dla siebie i dla innych", "Nie które buduje", "Zen – Zamiatając skały, czesząc mech". At the same time, in addition to being fully professional, she is an ordained nun in the Rinzai Zen tradition. Roshi Maria Reiko Moneta-Malewska is the eighty-fourth Dharma heir of Shakyamuni Buddha and the first woman to receive the Japanese Zen transmission from her master Oi Saidan Roshi.
The workshop will take place in the Coworking Zone of the University of Lodz Library on the ground floor, admission is free.