Szkoła Letnia SDNS UŁ – I edycja za nami

The first edition of Summer School of Social Research Methods organised by the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences has just ended. Doctoral students from nine different countries were able to participate in scientific workshops, plenary sessions, learn about the culture and academic history of Lodz, test themselves in a game about the city, and develop research skills. Summer School is an initiative that was implemented within “SPINAKER – International Intensive Programmes” funded by the European Fund Knowledge Education Development and the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

uczestnicy szkoły letniej

Photo report from the Summer School of Social Research Methods (photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Promotion Centre, UL)

We are trying to create the space for interdisciplinary scientific development of doctoral students. Polish and international scientists are being educated in eight scientific disciplines in the Doctoral School of Social Sciences. It is an incredible place for knowledge exchange, shaping scientific views and building relationships. This is precisely how UniLodz Summer School of Social Research Methods has been: international, interdisciplinary, modern, substantive and friendly – states Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Ilona Świątek-Barylska.

During the first week the workshops, that took place between 22-28 August, were held online. The participants learnt about research methods used in social sciences. Lectures and workshops were led by respected international scientists from the universities from Italy, Great Britain, Pakistan, and the University of Lodz. Doctoral students from all around the world could acquire knowledge regarding, for instance, data analysis, evaluation and social programmes. They learnt about social research methodology and were able to implement these rules during the workshops. 

The second week of the Summer School was an opportunity to learn about the city Lodz. The participants took part in a special game about the city. The challenges that they had to face were related to the elements of social research methodology. Every participant presented their research and the applied methodology. 

The photo of participants of the Summer School of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

UniLodz Summer School of Social Research Methods gives an opportunity to meet doctoral students and experienced researchers from all around the world – emphasises dr hab. Mariusz Granosik, professor UL (Department of Social Pedagogy and Resocialization). – The meeting was very fruitful not only when it comes to individual doctoral dissertations but also international cooperation and friendly relations. I believe that the promotion of Lodz and the University of Lodz, as an important scientific entity with strong research traditions, will contribute to the event. We are planning to organise another edition of the summer school next year, which will focus on the issue of multiculturality.

The summer school is an opportunity to broaden one’s knowledge but also to contact other young researchers.  The event’s atmosphere helped with making new friends which is invaluable to a young researcher, as observed by mgr Michał Gzik, member of the organisational committee.

From a doctoral student perspective, I can see how international friendships influence personal and scientific growth. It is incredible that the school is a platform from participants from 9 different countries, which allowed integration and scientific perspective exchange! From my own experience, I know that issues connected to social sciences methodology are not the easiest ones. That is why being taught by specialists, especially regarding their research, will help them with their doctoral dissertations – says mgr Michał Gzik.

Edit: Mateusz Grabowski (Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates)
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny (Promotion Centre, UL)