[MNiSW] Mistrzowie Dydaktyki I

The "Master of Didactics" (MoD) project, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science and co-financed by the Knowledge, Education, Development Operational Program, supports innovation and improvement in educational processes, enhances teaching (pedagogical development), and promotes the recognition and visibility of tutoring. The proposed solutions emphasize the importance of international experiences in developing and enhancing teaching and learning, with opportunities for staff mobility aimed at introducing improvements to the educational offer. The project also highlights the need to incorporate international trends in teaching and learning, such as student-centered and active learning, and the full implementation of the Bologna reforms within the European Higher Education Area.

The aim of the project is to enhance the competencies of Polish academic teachers in applying modern, innovative teaching methods, such as the use of tutoring in education. The project plans to develop a concept and implement new solutions related to tutoring, designed to support both exceptionally talented and less advanced students. These solutions will be created, tested, and subsequently implemented at Polish universities with the help of international partners' experiences.

Through the implementation of these methods, the project seeks to foster a more individualized approach to teaching, focusing on personalized support for students at different levels of academic ability. The initiative will also contribute to the development of tutoring as a recognized and widely used educational tool in higher education institutions.

Further information about the project can be found here.