"Masters of didactics" / Measure 4.3: Transnational cooperation

Project status: open

Target: students, public universities, private universities

research areas: humanities, social sciences, science and technology, life sciences

Budget: project value: PLN 84,019,463.66, including European Social Fund contribution: PLN 79,221,952.28.

Timeline: project implementation period: 01/12/2017 - 31/03/2023.

The main objective of the project is to develop and implement new solutions in the field of tutor training and education in the form of tutoring in cooperation with leading foreign universities (placed in the top 100 of the Shanghai ranking).
As part of this project, it is planned to prepare a solution in cooperation with a transnational partner, which provides for the preparation of a tutor training program and a model for using the tutoring method in at least six areas of education from the group of eight areas: humanities; science; social; nature; technical; agricultural, forestry and veterinary medical and health sciences and the arts. As part of the project, it is planned to recruit universities whose employees will take part in study visits to foreign centers, during which they will undergo training in conducting classes using the above-mentioned method. The trainings will be conducted by experts from foreign universities with experience in the implementation of the tutoring method. Then, a stage of testing the developed solution was planned. On the basis of the developed initial model of applying the tutoring method and using the experience gained by the participants of training at foreign universities, classes in the form of tutoring will be conducted at universities in Poland.
After the testing phase, research will be carried out with the participation of students who took part in the test phase of the solution and academic staff conducting classes in the form of tutoring. The results of the test phase will be analyzed, and then the final implementation version of the product will be developed, taking into account the results of testing and the analysis carried out. The next stage of the project is to conduct a full cycle of education at universities using the tutoring method. As part of the project, a document will be developed containing teaching materials, examples of good practice in tutor training and the teaching process, as well as recommendations that can be used by Polish universities.
More information: https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja-i-nauka/mistrzowie-dydaktyki-w-ramach-dzialania-43-wspolpraca-ponadnarodowa