GEP 2.0, czyli Plan na rzecz równych szans na lata 2025-2027

We are implementing the second, updated and expanded edition of the University of Lodz Gender Equality Plan, GEP 2.0 for 2025-2027. We remain committed to supporting, monitoring and analysing administrative, educational and research activities aimed at promoting gender equality and diversity at the University of Lodz. The current Gender Equality Plan also aims to monitor the impact of the initiatives undertaken on our academic community and its external environment.

The activities planned within GEP 2.0 are multi-faceted and address all members of the University of Lodz community – regardless of their position, type of contract or nature of work performed, including students and doctoral students. 

We feel convinced that real improvement in working conditions and the quality of education can only be achieved through systematic improvement of all aspects of the university's operation, and therefore research, educational and administrative processes. The second edition of the Gender Equality Plan was developed with this in mind. We believe that the second edition of the Gender Equality Plan will allow for an even deeper analysis and critical evaluation than before, and as a result, will improve the processes that affect the daily operation of the University of Lodz.

The most important assumptions of GEP 2.0 are, as follows:

  • continuation of well-assessed activities carried out in the period 2022-2024,
  • resumption of initiatives that for various reasons could not be undertaken within GEP 1.0,
  • implementing new projects that express the social responsibility of the University and its readiness to make further changes in the way it operates as an institution.

By introducing GEP, the University of Lodz aims to raise the standards of equal treatment in its own community through a multi-faceted and cross-sectional approach to the phenomena of discrimination and exclusion occurring both in the academic environment and outside it. GEP was developed in accordance with the strategy of the University of Lodz (for the years 2021-2030), which was officially approved in 2021. 

The introduction of GEP 1.0 has enabled us to undertake significant actions aimed at raising awareness of gender issues. It has also allowed us to develop and monitor organisational solutions that take into account the diversity of our community and promote gender equality in the academic environment.

GEP 2.0 has been designed along the lines of GEP 1.0, which is intended to facilitate comparisons and verification of the university's progress in achieving its strategic goals in the longer term (where possible, we have added appropriate impact measurement indicators). The development of the document was possible thanks to the involvement of the GEP Implementation Team, the Gender Equality Board established as part of the RESET project, the authorities of the University of Lodz in the 2024–2028 term, and people implementing the RESET project on behalf of the University of Lodz.

More information: GENDER EQUALITY PLAN


Source and edit: Centre for External Relations and Social Responsibility of the University