Elia A. G. Arfini "Intersex rights and collective action". Wykład gościnny

On 18 May 2023, the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz will host Elia A.G. Arfini, a researcher from the University of Milan. Elia A.G. Arfini will deliver a lecture entitled "Intersex rights and collective action. Framing strategies between patient advocacy, LGBTQIA+ activism, and human rights".

Since the 1990s, intersex activism has become the most significant factor in disputes over the biomedical management of intersex variations, and activists have begun to speak out and perceive themselves as a collective entity. These experiences of activism, characterised by different forms of action, conflicts with the field of biomedicine and ways of shaping intersex variations themselves, continue to introduce innovative forms of combating the social, cultural and medical oppression that intersex people experience.

Considering intersex treatment as a human rights violation has been used as a strategy by various representatives. They have used it to raise public awareness of intersex people rights claims and lay the foundations for national legislative initiatives and supranational customary law instruments. Based on research co-authored by Daniela Crocetti (Intersexesiste), during the lecture we will look at many forms of political mobilisation that intersex politics can adopt and focus on the issue of human rights.

The meeting is organised as part of the GEMMA Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies project.

The lecture will be held at 11:45 a.m. in room 1.17 of the Faculty of Philology and will be open to all listeners.

Poster with intersex rights flag. A purple cicrcle on a yellow background.