Kolejny grant OPUS dla interdyscyplinarnego zespołu prof. Damiana Plażuka

We are pleased to announce that in the recently concluded OPUS 27 competition of the National Science Centre, dr hab. Damian Plażuk, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz from the Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy at the University of Lodz Faculty of Chemistry, has received funding in the amount of PLN 3,389,160 for the implementation of the project "Opracowanie i charakterystyka nowych metaloorganicznych inhibitorów polimeryzacji tubuliny o wielokierunkowym działaniu w celu poprawy skuteczności terapii przeciwnowotworowych" [Development and characterisation of new organometallic tubulin polymerisation inhibitors with multidirectional action to improve the effectiveness of anticancer therapies].

This is the fifth major research project in recent years carried out by an interdisciplinary team of scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz. The main goal of the planned research is to develop innovative organometallic microtubule inhibitors characterised by high antimitotic efficacy while reducing toxicity and limiting the risk of developing multidrug resistance – which is a key problem in therapy using currently available MTAs (microtubule-targeting agents).

The project, which will be carried out over 48 months, will involve a doctoral student and employ a post-doc. We would like to offer our congratulations to the team on this significant success and wish them success in their research!


Summary of the research project (in Polish)