Dzień Studenta WZ

Place of the event: Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łódź
When: 23 May 2023 (Tuesday) 11:00 - 15:00

WZ Student Day incoming! The Faculty's Student Council (WRSS) would like to invite all students to celebrate together! The event will hold place on May 23rd 2023. See you at the WZ UŁ Patio!

Zdjęcie przedstawia grupę bawiących się ludzi i napis: Dzień studenta WZ, Patio Wydziału Zarządzania, 23,05.2023 godz. 11:00-15:00

What attractions await you on the patio?

  • Mechanical rodeo bull
  • Inflatable darts
  • Contests
  • Alcohol goggles
  • Photo booth

Good news for the cotton candy fans: it will be there!

Outside, in front of the Faculty, all interested students will be able to enjoy grilled sausages.

During the event, we will hold a raffle for a student organisation (SKN) that will hold "Kołomania" in the new academic year. We will also be collecting volunteers for active participation in the Faculty's Student Council.

The co-organisers of the event are: SKN ManageTeam, SKN MarkeTeam, SKN SIGMA, SKN Personalni, SKN SCM, SKN Stratolog.


Text: Faculty of Management



Place of the event: Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 23 May 2023 (Tuesday) 11:00 - 15:00

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