We have created the CBRN course curriculum for police units

CBRN education was initiated in response to the need to strengthen the internal security potential of the EU Member States to counteract potential threats that come with use of a hazardous chemical, biological, radiation or nuclear agent for terrorist purposes. A terrorist attack in Tokyo metro may come as an excellent illustration of the need to educate in the CBRN area. On 20 March 1995, Aum Shinrikyō religious sect sprayed a poisonous warfare agent, sarin, in a metro train at Kasumigaseki station. The CBRN terrorist attack caused 12 deaths and affected more than 5 thousand victims, who were injured. The services were not appropriately prepared, lacked knowledge and equipment and, in consequence, the responding rescue services were exposed to a poisonous warfare agent. As a result, 135 members of rescue teams involved in the response operation suffered.

The crucial information for the police officer that comes first to the scene which must be covered by the training curriculum are:

  • Where is it happening?
  • Am I at risk?
  • What should I do?
  • How do I protect
    • myself?
    • people around?
    • evidence?
  • What to do if I get contaminated?
  • How to prevent?


The course is based on the principle of “learning by doing” and “experiential learning” where the trainer is supposed to create such a learning environment in which trainees are able to reflect on the taught input, do relevant tasks and activities and relate to their own professional contexts. Trainees should follow a reflective cycle (Fig.1) during the whole course as well as in each module. First, trainees relate to their own experiences and knowledge, second, they receive an appropriate amount of input in the form of lectures, case studies, videos, presentations, etc. Next, trainees need to complete exercises in which they apply the theoretical input and reflect on what they have learnt in the module. 

The training programme is divide on four main parts (Knowledge, Reporting, Duties at scene and Practical). Each part is composed from modules divided on specific topics described in details in topic cards. The training programme is join work of all partners: