Tworzymy obrazy wydobywamy nasze głosy — wystawa IDUB

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 20 February from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Fabryka Aktywności Miejskiej (Tuwima 10). The event starts the week under the slogan "Let's Open All Doors" organised by the Team for Counteracting Social Exclusion of the Urban Activity Bureau of the City of Lodz. The exhibition has been prepared by socially disadvantaged parents as part of the IDUB project managed by Dr Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz.

Please confirm your participation by 13 February at:

Schedule (3rd floor, hall)

  • opening ceremony
  • visiting the exhibition (ground floor, workshop room)
  • digital story screening
  • discussion panel with the participation of the researcher, representatives of the institution and the project participant

The exhibition will be on display until 3 March, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Photovoice, i.e. emotions and experiences expressed in images

Dr Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz carried out research with the participation of parents experiencing care and upbringing problems – those who are at risk of having their children taken away from them, whose children have been taken away and who tried to get them back from foster care institutions (orphanages, foster families), as well as those who have succeeded. She worked with the project participants using the so-called photovoice – the study subjects took pictures from their own lives and told stories illustrating their experiences. The photos play the role of “communication bridges” thanks to which parents share their experiences.

The photos taken by the project participants show their experiences in a metaphorical way and reflect emotions accompanying them in the process of struggling with the problems of everyday life, which affect the experience of parenting.   

The photographs presented at the exhibition with text and digital storytelling, which brings the presented stories to life, constitute the effect of working with the study group.

A fragment of the project participant's statement and a photo:

I beat the whole system a few years ago. I got my kids back. It was a very, very, very long fight. I wrote to children and human rights ombudsmen. I was everywhere, even where they didn’t want me. There was strong determination and self-denial in me, such foot-stomping. And I was just coming in through the window when they didn't let me through the door. 

a black and white photo of the boxing ring

The organiser of the event is the Department of Social Pedagogy and Resocialization, University of Lodz. More about the project: #UniLodz IDUB: Photo-Voice, i.e. Emotions and Experiences Expressed in Pictures

Source: Dr Izabela Kamińska-Jatczak, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre

Date and time of the event: 20 February 2023 (Monday) 11:00 - 03 March 2023 (Friday) 16:00

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