During the ceremony, which took place in the assembly hall of the Training and Conference Centre, the University employees received medals and badges awarded in 2020 and 2021.
Twenty seven employees were honoured with Medals of the Commission of National Education, 31 received “UL in Service for the Society and Science” Medals and 81 got the UL Golden Badges (The list of awarded employees is presented below).
Twenty authors (including 4 from outside of the UL) collected awards for the best academic textbook. Teams of scientists working on four titles of didactic materials were honoured. In 2020, the textbook "Nozioni di grammatica descrittiva della lingua Italiana. Fonetica e phonologia." (1st degree award) received the greatest recognition of the evaluation committee, while among textbooks published in 2019 there were: „Polonistyczna dydaktyka ogólna” [General Polish didactics] (1st degree award), „Zarządzanie danymi w organizacji” [Data management in organisations] (2nd degree award) and „Turystyka etnograficzna” [Ethnographic Tourism] (3rd degree award). The first three books were published by Lodz University Press, and the fourth one by the Oko-Lice Kultury Foundation Publishing House.
Thanking the University staff for their daily effort put into education of responsible people, prof. Żądzińska wished everyone that their curiosity would never leave them. Curiosity, which is "the best guide on the way to Truth and Freedom".
This year, for safety reasons, the formal sitting of the UL Senate took place in a hybrid mode. In the assembly hall of the Training and Conference Centre there were Rectors, Deans and all the employees who collected medals, badges and awards. The remaining members of the Senate could participate in the ceremony via the Teams application.
Special wishes on the occasion of the National Education Day were also sent by the Rector of the University of Lodz to all the University employees, students and doctoral students. She reminded them that the University of Lodz was established to always seek the truth about people and the world in the name of the University's motto: "Veritas et Libertas", and to educate to release the potential and free the minds of subsequent generations.
Scientists honoured with the Medal of the Commission of National Education:
- dr Justyna Anders-Morawska
- dr hab. Maciej Bartos
- dr hab. Aleksandra Baszczyńska
- dr hab. Jolanta Bonar
- prof. dr hab. Bożena Bukowska
- dr hab. Grażyna Chwatko
- dr hab. Katarzyna Dzitko
- dr hab. Małgorzata Karpińska-Krakowiak
- dr hab. Andrzej Kaźmierczak
- dr Małgorzata Kosiorek
- dr Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik
- dr Beata Krakowiak
- dr Ernest Kuczyński
- dr Jolanta Latosińska
- dr Joanna Leek
- dr Wojciech Marciniak
- prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Marczak
- dr Katarzyna Orszulak-Dudkowska
- dr Krzysztof Prawicki
- prof. dr hab. Sławomira Skrzypek
- dr hab. Barbara Sobolczyk
- dr hab. Agata Szczukocka
- dr hab. Edmund Tomaszewski
- dr hab. Mirosław Włodarczyk
- dr hab. Alina Wróbel
- dr Anna Wypych-Stasiewicz
- dr Grzegorz Zinkiewicz
The “UL in Service for the Society and Science” Medals were conferred to:
- mgr Anna Arkuszewska
- mgr Marzena Bednarek-Kokosza
- mgr Ewa Bernaś
- dr Ewa Cyrańska
- Melania Chandrała
- dr hab. Iwona Czechowska
- dr Sławomir Domagała
- dr hab. Małgorzata Filipczak
- prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gajdka
- Cecylia Jackowska
- mgr Małgorzata Jędraszczyk
- Irena Karpińska
- dr Dariusz Klemantowicz
- Alina Kluska
- dr Bogdan Kontek
- mgr Urszula Kowalewska
- mgr inż. Hanna Maćkowska
- mgr Tomasz Majak
- Urszula Maślak
- mgr Leszek Piąstka
- Joanna Pietrzak
- mgr Danuta Rekść
- mgr Ewa Samson-Nowacka
- dr hab. Barbara Sobolczyk
- dr hab. Marek Śmietański
- mgr Roman Tarnowski
- dr Wojciech Tołoczko
- Sławomir Tycman
- prof. dr hab. Maria Wich
- prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak
- Grzegorz Witecki
The UL Golden Badge was conferred to:
- mgr Anna Bartczak
- dr hab. Marek Barwiński
- mgr Kamila Barwińska
- dr hab. Dorota Burzyńska
- mgr Anna Chruściel
- mgr Mariola Cupriak
- mgr Katarzyna Czupryniak
- dr hab. Aldona Domańska
- dr Aneta Domańska
- dr hab. Małgorzata Dukowska
- mgr Małgorzata Duszyńska-Ozga
- dr hab. Dominika Drzewiecka
- mgr Anna Felisiak
- dr hab. Joanna Firaza
- mgr Anna Fortuniak
- Katarzyna Gałus
- mgr Krystyna Gawrońska
- dr hab. Beata Guziejewska
- dr hab. Joanna Grabowska
- mgr Aneta Grankowska
- dr hab. Beata Grzeszczakowska-Pawlikowska
- dr hab. Grażyna Horbaczewska
- Katarzyna Idczak
- dr hab. Jacek Izydorczyk
- śp. Marek Jagura
- dr Lidia Janiszewska
- dr hab. Witold Jarno
- mgr Marzena Jaworska-Banert
- dr hab. Dorota Kaczmarek
- dr hab. Elwira Kaczyńska
- mgr Dagmara Kajdanek-Barylska
- prof. dr hab. Barbara Klajnert-Maculewicz
- mgr Lidia Kolbus
- dr Robert Kowalczyk
- dr hab. Paweł Księżak
- dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki
- dr Krzysztof Kurosz
- dr Iwona Kwil
- dr hab. Iwona Laskowska
- dr hab. Agnieszka Lipińska-Grobelny
- dr Renata Lewicka
- dr Anna Loranty
- dr Anna Lucińska
- dr Anna Majchrowska
- dr hab. Marek Majewski
- prof. dr hab. Monika Marcinkowska
- mgr Magdalena Miedzińska
- mgr Agata Milczarek
- prof. dr hab. Gueorgui Mintchev
- Marek Nowak
- Ewa Pancer
- dr hab. Radosław Pastusiak
- mgr Katarzyna Pawłowska
- dr hab. Magdalena Pietrzak
- Monika Pietrzak
- dr hab. Ireneusz Piwoński
- mgr Krzysztof Plesiewicz
- dr Hanna Podsędkowska
- Marcin Przewieś
- mgr Agnieszka Radke
- dr hab. Magdalena Rosińska-Bukowska
- dr Iwona Rosset
- dr Andrzej Rychlewicz
- Andrzej Sarnowski
- dr Katarzyna Serafin
- dr Agnieszka Sibelska
- dr hab. Konrad Składowski
- dr hab. Mirosława Słaba
- mgr Aneta Sorbjan
- dr Dariusz Sroczyński
- Monika Stachlewska
- dr hab. Anna Szymańska
- dr Michał Wasiak
- Roman Witkowski
- dr Rafał Wolski
- Henryk Woronżew
- dr Agnieszka Zabłotni
- mgr inż. Wojciech Zajączkowski
- mgr Agnieszka Zalech
- dr hab. Emilia Zimnica-Kuzioła
- mgr Piotr Zych
Award for the Best Academic Textbook published in 2020
1st degree award for the team consisting of:
dr hab. Artur Gałkowski, prof. UL
for the textbook entitled: „Nozioni di grammatica descrittiva della lingua Italiana. Fonetica e fonologia.”, Lodz University Press, Lodz 2020, pp. 210, exercises pp. 39.
Awards for the Best Academic Textbook published in 2019
1st degree award for the team consisting of:
dr hab. Jolanta Fiszbak, prof. UL
dr hab. Małgorzata Gajak-Toczek
dr Renata Jagodzińska (from outside of the UL)
dr hab. Adam Mazurkiewicz, prof. the UL
dr Ewa Popiel-Popiołek
dr hab. Anna Ślósarz (from outside of the UL)
for the textbook entitled: „Polonistyczna dydaktyka ogólna”, Lodz University Press, Lodz 2019, pp.502.
2nd degree award for the team consisting of:
dr Ryszard Kurzyjamski
prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy S. Zieliński
for the textbook entitled: „Zarządzanie danymi w organizacji”, Lodz University Press, Lodz 2019, pp. 229.
3rd degree award for the team consisting of:
dr Izabela Wyszkowska (from outside of the UL)
dr Tadeusz Jędrysiak (from outside of the UL)
for the textbook entitled: „Turystyka etnograficzna”, Oko-Lice Kultury Foundation Publishing House, Zblewo 2019, pp. 251.
Source: Promotion Centre, UL