Szkolenia z zakresu publikowania w wysoko punktowanych czasopismach

Caring for the scientific development of the staff of our Faculty, the Dean's College invites you to participate in specialized training courses on publishing in high-scoring journals.

In order to enable the widest possible group of those willing to participate, the trainings are planned on Mondays, November 13 and 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. via the Teams platform.

Two trainings of four hours each are planned: 

- Exploring the art of publishing in Quality Journals: November 13, 2023, 9 am - 1 pm, link to the meeting:

- Systemic literature review: November 20, 2023, 9 am - 1 pm, link to the meeting:

The language of the training will be English. 

The trainer will be Dr. Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at Teesside International Business School, Teesside University. 

All those interested in attending one or both trainings, please fill out a short form: 

The data collected will allow the presenter to better tailor the content provided. 

You are welcome to attend both or the one training of your choice.