„To jest GENialne” – warsztaty dla dzieci o genetyce

Place of the event: Franciszkańska 1/5, Łódź
When: 11 May 2024 (Saturday) 10:00 - 13:30

"Why is a strawberry like a strawberry and not like an onion? Why are some fruits redder, some are more round and others are oblong? Why do some people run faster and others play chess better? Why do some people have green eyes, others blue and other people eyes of two different colours?" – that is a series of questions that children can surprise us with. The Biobank Laboratory of the University of Lodz will help the youngest discover answers to these questions. We would like to invite children to participate in free workshops that introduce issues related to genetics in an attractive and experimental way.

The structure of each organism is determined by a special recipe. The recipe is written using only 4 letters. It takes about 720 million "letters" to write down the "recipe" for strawberries, compared to 3.2 billion for humans. The recipes are written using proteins in the DNA code. During the workshops, children will learn the secrets of this code and isolate DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid strands. 

During the workshops, we will present issues related to genetics: 

  • what is DNA, what effect does it have on organisms and how does it affect our health? 
  • what is a chromosome? 
  • what do biobank laboratories do? 
  • how can we support learning?

As part of the games and practical tasks, the following activities will be performed: 

  • cell structure – work with a 3D model 
  • sample anonymisation – educational game 
  • DNA strand construction – educational game 
  • DNA isolation – practical classes (performed independently by the workshop participants)

Get ready for a good time combined with gaining new knowledge! 

Registration – two different times to choose from

The workshops will take place at the university's Wozownia 1/5 Gallery, located at Franciszkańska 1/5. Admission is free of charge. The preferred age of participants is 6-12 years old. The classes are held in small groups with the participation of children's guardians: 12 participants + 12 guardians. The number of places is limited, the order of applications is decisive.

  • 11 May 2024 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    The registration form for 10:00 a.m. is available at the link.
  • 11 May 2024 (Saturday), 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
    The registration form for 12:00 p.m. is available at the link.

"To jest GENialne"

The workshops are part of the artistic project "To jest GENialne", which is the result of cooperation between the Biobank Laboratory of the University of Lodz and the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź. The cooperation has resulted in, among other things: the creation of two heroes – Gienio and Helisia, who guide young project recipients through the world of genetics and can become an inspiration for children to continue searching for knowledge, and at the same time provide great fun and allow them to spend time on educational inquiries.  

Place of the event: Franciszkańska 1/5, Łódź

Date and time of the event: 11 May 2024 (Saturday) 10:00 - 13:30

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