Archeolożka i konserwatorka UŁ w Berenike w Egipcie

In recent weeks, Dr Magdalena Majorek-Lipowicz, an archaeologist and a conservator of archaeological artifacts from the Laboratory of Dating and Conservation of Artifacts at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz, has been working on the research project "Opracowanie procedury inwentaryzacji i dokumentacji konserwatorsko-archeologicznej, wdrożenie i konserwacja zachowawcza wybranych wyrobów włókienniczych z badań w Berenike (Egipt)" [Development of the procedure for inventory and conservation-archaeological documentation, implementation and conservation of selected textile products from research in Berenike (Egypt)], for which she received a scholarship from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW).

Dr Majorek had the pleasure of analysing and preserving some of the textile products obtained from archaeological research in the 2009, 2021, 2023 and 2024 seasons. Other specialists and researchers conducted work, among other things, as part of the project led by Dr Mariusz Gwiazda entitled "Kulturowe, demograficzne i biologiczne profile postrzymskich (IV–VI w n.e.) mieszkańców portu w Berenike (Egipt)" [Cultural, demographic and biological profiles of post-Roman (4th-6th century AD) inhabitants of the port in Berenike (Egypt)], based on non-invasive, excavation and bioarchaeological research of two urban necropolises. We encourage you to get familiar with them on the Project Website.