The Mall CBRN project was brilliantly summarised at an international conference.

The conference took place on 25 April 2024, Vienna House by Wyndham Andel´s in Lodz, Poland.

The final conference was successfully organized with participation of more than 100 guests and speakers from large international chains of shopping malls like Unibail/Rodamco/Westfield, APSYS Group, Neinver, BNP Paribas Real Estate, NEPI ROCKCASTLE, ING Centres, G-CITY,  ECE Facility Management Poland, CPI Property Group, Nhood, M2C Facility Solution,  Polish Council of Shopping Centres  also security companies like SERIS Konsalnet, Impel Group, Securitas,  but also LEAs and fire fighters from Poland, Portugal, France, Estonia, Finlandthe UK or research&development sector and public authorities were represented including EC DG ECHO and Europol.

We received very positive feedback on the result achieved in the Mall-CBRN from the end-user perspective especially highlighting that they received practical well-addressed measures to improve CBRN protection in shopping centres and highlighting how important is also to raise awareness on CBRN threats  among the parties responsible for safety of this  type of public places.

There were also a study visit to Manufaktura SC (we organized there earlier a vulnerability assessment visit and training of the staff) and demonstration of the fire rescue  action at the scene of CBRN incident.

Summing up, it was really successful but also motivating event (some recommendations of improvements were already implemented in centres) proving that our project and results are well received by the target groups.   

Text and images by Marcin Podogrocki, University of Lodz