The Biohazard Prevention Centre in Project106 deal with CBRN training in Cambodia

The project P106 is implemented under the umbrella of EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative (joint EU and UNICRI - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute programme) where 8 regions collecting 65 countries are working together with EU partners to improve CBRN security and safety across the world.

The project P 106 – “Table Top Exercises, Simulations and Trainings for CBRN risk mitigation (TEST)” is dedicated to conduct exercises led by John Jones OBE (Team Leader) and two Key Experts from ISEM Institute: Marian Kolencik and Lubos Trudic.

The mission consisted of theoretical and practical trainings, TTX and two days of exercise drills. Exercises were evaluated by international team of experts from Philippines, Singapore, Belgium, France and Poland under leadership of UniLodz represented by Maksymilian Stela from The Biohazard Prevention Centre.

The CBRN scenario of the exercise was developed together with Cambodia Authorities to respond real threat the country is dealing with – residues of chemical warfare agents like chemical hazard for example. One of the aims of the project is to foster interagency cooperation thus apart of the main actor, the National Authority for Chemical Weapons in Cambodia (NACW), Gendarmerie Royale (GRK), Army Medical Service (PKML) and Army Fire Fighters unit (RRC711) participated in trainings and exercises.

The scale and quality of the exercise was highly rated by deputy chief of NACW general Nara and deputy of EU delegation in Cambodia Mr. Andreas Berg during closing ceremony at Cambodia Ministry of Defence.

Next missions are coming soon!