Tax Treaties Application in Norway, Poland and Sweden


We would like to invite you to the international conference "Tax Treaties Application in Norway, Poland and Sweden" which will be held in Łódź (Poland) on 10 May 2013.

The conference is co-organized by the Centre of Tax Documentation and Studies of the University of Łódź and the Foundation Centre of Tax Documentation and Studies in cooperation with the Polish Branch of International Fiscal Association. Financial support is granted by sponsors – Skanska S.A. and Mariański i Wspólnicy Doradcy Podatkowi S.K.A.

The intensity of business cooperation between entrepreneurs in Norway, Poland and Sweden has been rapidly growing in recent years. Development of goods and services exchange along with export and import of capital and movement of workers create a number of issues under international tax law for entrepreneurs in those countries carrying on cross-border business activity. These issues include, inter alia, taxation of business income and permanent establishment problems in particular, tax consequences of cross-border movement of workers, especially in the context of secondment and international hiring-out of labour, as well as taxation of capital flows: dividends, interest and royalties. Proper income qualification as well as appropriate interpretation of respective provisions of treaty law are essential for smooth functioning of tax treaties and mutual economic growth of the contracting states.

The aim of the conference is to identify crucial elements of the tax treaties concluded between Norway, Poland and Sweden and to work out possible solutions to the issues which arise upon their application.

The conference consists of three panels: Taxation of Business Income, Taxation of Employment Income and Taxation of Capital Investment Income. Each part begins with a key note speech given by a renowned expert in each field which is then followed by a presentation of two cases from tax treaty application practice and panel discussion on each case.

The conference is addressed to academics, tax officials and tax practitioners from Norway, Poland and Sweden. Our conference will take place in Łódź (with a convenient access from Warsaw Chopin Airport), at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź. We begin with a welcome reception on Thursday, continue with the core part of the conference on Friday and finish on Saturday with an optional city tour around Łódź.

Together with this invitation you will find a detailed conference agenda along with a registration form. Conference participants are requested to make their own hotel reservations. Rooms at group rates are available (on the "first come first served" basis) at Grand Hotel upon mentioning the keyword "Tax Treaties" (see the registration form).

If you are interested in participating, please send a registration form via e-mail to Mr Michał Wilk ( not later than 30 April 2013. As the number of places is limited, registrations will be handled on the "first come first served" basis.

The participation fee for the conference is PLN 600 (VAT included) . The participation fee must be paid within 3 days of receipt of the registration confirmation. In case of cancellation more than 7 days before the conference, the registration fee will be reimbursed reduced by 25% (bank & administrative expenses). The fee will not be refunded in case of later cancellation.