Zapraszamy na Żywą Bibliotekę!

Place of the event: Wojska Polskiego 83, 91-755 Łódź
When: 17 November 2024 (Sunday) 11:00 - 19:00

In connection with the upcoming International Day of Tolerance, together with the Marek Edelman Dialogue Cener in Łódź we would like to invite you to attend the "Living Library" event, which will be held on Sunday, 17 November from 11:00 a.m. at the organiser's headquarters at Wojska Polskiego 83.

Promotional banner for the Living Library campaign

What is Living Library?

Living Library is an international movement promoting human rights and social dialogue. It has been present in Poland since 2007! It works like a normal library, except for the fact that here the Reader borrows Living Books – People. These are people representing groups that are exposed to discrimination due to stereotypes and prejudices, who "do not fit" into rigid social frameworks. The Living Library is based on respect and the spirit of tolerance.

How can you take part in the event?

You can attend the "Living Library" as a Reader by coming to the event. All you need to do is register on site, i.e. get a library card. Then you can choose the item you are interested in from the extensive Human Book Catalogue. The Reader borrows and reads, i.e. talks to a given Human Book for 30 minutes. You can ask any question – of course, respecting the rules of propriety and respecting other person.

Feel more than welcome to come to this unique event! It's a fantastic form of human contact. See you there! 

Partner's press material.
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Place of the event: Wojska Polskiego 83, 91-755 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 17 November 2024 (Sunday) 11:00 - 19:00

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