The MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Programme enables outstanding students to take Mandarin language courses at accredited language centres in Taiwan. The programme aims to develop language skills, cultural knowledge and promote international friendships and mutual understanding.
The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Programme encourages outstanding students to pursue BA, MA and doctoral studies at Taiwanese universities. In addition to education, the programme is to facilitate mutual communication and establish contacts and friendships in an international environment.
Detailed information about the scholarship programme can be found in the downloadable attachments below.
The deadline for submitting applications to NAWA is 29 January 2025 (3:00 p.m.).
The call is conducted via the IT system on the NAWA website (Students > NAWA Zawacka Programme – travel offer). Details about the call are available in the official NAWA announcement.
Information about the scholarship programme dedicated to students from Ukraine
Those who are interested are also encouraged to visit the Study in Taiwan website, where they can learn more about Taiwanese universities and study programmes offered, as well as receive other valuable tips before studying in Taiwan.