Nauka łączy siły: sieciowanie dla społecznego wpływu – konferencja UŁ dla społeczności akademickiej

Place of the event: Targowa 1/3, 90-021 Łódź
When: 21 February 2024 (Wednesday) 09:00 - 15:00

University of Lodz joins forces with the Medical University of Lodz to share knowledge with the public even better. On the occasion of the Polish Science Day, we encourage the academic community of Lodz to attend a conference that will be held on 21 February (Wednesday) at the EC1 Science and Technology Center in Lodz. The event aims to show the advantages and specific examples of cooperation between research centres and science-related institutions that derive symbiotic benefits from such cooperation. The speakers and invited guests will include scientists representing universities from Lodz, representatives of cultural institutions whose task is to popularise science, companies cooperating with universities, as well as grant donors. Szymon Bujalski – "Journalist for the climate", a science populariser will be the special guest.

The event is taking place under the patronage and with the participation of Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations and Prof. Lucyna Woźniak, Vice-Rector for Research Strategy and International Relations at the Medical University of Lodz.

Cooperation and broadly understood networking are becoming key factors influencing not only the development of an institution, but also its external environment. We discover that the benefits of activity as part of networking are much greater than those we can achieve by acting individually. Through the synergy effect, we obtain not only financial benefits, but above all, social benefits.

The conference "Nauka łączy siły: sieciowanie dla społecznego wpływu" [Science joins forces: networking for social impact] primarily consists of lectures and discussion panels during which we will focus on issues such as:

  • Effective institutional cooperation: how to cooperate effectively, build relationships and use the potential of joint action?
  • Academic networking: how to effectively establish relationships in the dynamic world of science, sharing knowledge and experience?
  • Communication with the external environment: how to communicate effectively with the external environment, translating scientific research results into a language understandable to society?
  • Science for society: how to achieve greater socio-economic impact of scientific research results (criterion III)?

Join us to explore the potential of cooperation, network and create the social impact of science!

Scientists, doctoral students, university administration employees and everyone interested in popularisation of science are welcome. Registration runs until 18 February this year.


The detailed conference programme, registration form, speakers' profiles and regulations can be found on the event website:


„Nauka łączy siły: sieciowanie dla społecznego wpływu" – 21 February 2024 (in Polish)


The next day, i.e. on 22 February 2024 mini-workshops and meetings with experts (a practical part) will be held. The event is prepared by the Communications and PR Centre of the University of Lodz and the Rector's Office of the Medical University of Lodz.

Admission to the event is free of charge. The conference and workshops are financed mainly as part of the Alliance4Life project (Horizon 2020), which has been implemented at the Medical University of Lodz.

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Place of the event: Targowa 1/3, 90-021 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 21 February 2024 (Wednesday) 09:00 - 15:00


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