Stypendium dla wybitnych młodych naukowców

From 1 December to 31 December 2023, the call for applications for the Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientist with significant achievements in scholarly activity will be launched at the OSF platform.

18 December 2023 is the deadline for sending a complete application proposal to the secretary of your Doctoral School (Auxiliary Editor of your proposal at the OSF) in order for it to be signed by the Director of the Doctoral School.

The award procedure of the Minister's scholarships for outstanding young scientists is regulated by the following legal provisions:  

  • Article 360, Article 361 and Article 363 of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (Dz.U. – Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742, as amended),
  • the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 1 April 2019 on scholarships of the Minister in charge of higher education and science for students and outstanding young scientists (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 428).


Applications are submitted using the OSF Funding Stream Support system (also known as ISSS/ZSUN OSF) located at:   

(declaration attachment forms can be downloaded from the website, link below)

More details available at:


At the same time, I would like to remind you that the submission of the proposal can be divided into the following stages according to the activities to be performed by: the doctoral student, the auxiliary editor (Secretary of Doctoral School) and the Director.

1. Setting up the application proposal in the OSF system by the doctoral student

2. The complete proposal is then blocked in the system by the doctoral student, at which point a document, called proposal with ZSUN/OSF signature, is generated. The doctoral student sends this PDF document to the assistant editor (secretary of the doctoral school) and the editor obtains the electronic signature of the director. The signed document is returned to the doctoral student. The auxiliary editor enters the OSF system and attaches a scan of the grant application authorisation received from the Director.

3. The doctoral student attaches the document signed by the director to the proposal and sends it to the Ministry (MEiN).

A scan of the grant application authorisation can be sent to the doctoral student who attaches such a document in the OSF system.


A PhD student who intends to apply for the Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientists should add the Secretary of the Doctoral School as an auxiliary editor of the application proposal in the OSF system, so that the Secretary can check, for instance, the correctness of the applicant's data.

We are keeping our fingers crossed!