The National Science Centre has announced the results of the PRELUDIUM 23 call. A doctoral student from the Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School of the University of Lodz and Lodz Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences – mgr Oskar Ciesielski is among the winners. He has received funding for research tasks conducted under the supervision of Prof. Aneta Balcerczyk from the Department of Oncobiology and Epigenetics. The project entitled "Zmiany w profilu cytrulinacji białek oraz w strukturze chromatyny indukowane aktywnością deiminaz peptydylo-argininowych i ich konsekwencje dla hemostatycznych funkcji komórek śródbłonka" [Changes in the protein citrullination profile and in the chromatin structure induced by the activity of peptidyl-arginine deiminases and their consequences for the hemostatic functions of endothelial cells] has been recognised by experts and will be implemented as part of a prestigious competition supporting the development of young scientists.
PRELUDIUM – a key competition for young scientists
The PRELUDIUM 23 call, organised by the National Science Centre (NCN), is one of the key programmes supporting scientific research in Poland. It is addressed to pre-doctoral researchers, offering them the opportunity to carry out high-quality research projects. Participants can apply for funds for conducting interdisciplinary research, purchasing specialist research equipment, and national and international cooperation.
We would like to offer our congratulations to mgr Oskar Ciesielski on obtaining prestigious funding for the implementation of his own research idea.
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