Nagrody Naukowe Rektora dla doktorantek i doktorantów UŁ (2024/25)

The results of the ‘Research Award of the Rector of the University of Lodz’ competition for doctoral students of UL Doctoral Schools pursuing their fourth year of curriculum in the academic year 2024/25 have been announced. Eight awards were granted for achievements in scientific and research work, publications and the internationalisation of education.

The results of the ‘Research Award of the Rector of the University of Lodz’ competition for doctoral students of UL doctoral schools pursuing their fourth year of curriculum in the academic year 2024/25 have been announced. Eight awards were granted for achievements in scientific and research work, publications and the internationalisation of education.

Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School of UL and Lodz Institutes of PAS

UL Doctoral School of Social Sciences

UL Doctoral School of Humanities

UL Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences