Nagrody i wyróżnienie Rektora dla pracowników Katedry Informatyki z okazji Dnia Edukacji Narodowej

We are glad to inform that the members of the Department of Computer Science were granted with Rector’s scientific awards and the University distinction on the occasion of National Education Day.


Scientific Ist degree team awards were granted to:

  • The team under the supervision of prof. Piotr Kosiński: prof. Paweł Maślanka, prof. Cezary Gonera, prof. Krzysztof Andrzejewski, prof. Joanna Gonera for the cycle of ten articles “Dynamics of massless particles, chiral fermions, photons and gravitational waves.”
  • Michał Szanecki, Phd, as a member of the research team under the supervision of prof. Andrzej Niedźwiecki from the Department of Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics UL ,  for the cycle of five articles “Geometrical properties of accretion in astrophysical X-ray sources with black holes”.

Prof. Joanna Gonera was honoured with the University distinction – UL Gold Badge (Złota Odznaka UŁ).
