prof. Piotr Płoszajski

Head of the Department of Management Theory at the Warsaw School of Economics (1994-2018)

Graduate of Harvard Business School, USA, scholarship holder of the British Academy, CNRS in Paris, the Swiss Foundation, Chiba University, Tokyo and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA to name just a few. Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1987-1991, and Director General of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1993-1998. 

An author of more than 220 publications, including several books in English. His recent research interests include the New Economy, the impact of technology on business models, the Internet of Things, entrepreneurship, crowdsourcing, corporate social responsibility and marketing for the 'new customer'. He is a co-author of a number of pioneering international studies on topics such as the new post-socialist entrepreneurship, knowledge management, business innovation and the so-called 'tacit knowledge'. 

He is a lecturer at several universities and research centres in Europe, USA, Japan, India and New Zealand. For several years he was a Visiting Professor at universities in Minneapolis, Kiev, Dortmund and Vienna. Advisor and lecturer in many Polish and international corporations, including Samsung, HP, PZU SA, PKO SA, BreBank, Millenium Bank, Kredyt Bank, Orlen, Lotos, MasterCard, Masterfood, Microsoft, TP SA, Orange, T-Mobile, P&G, McKinsey, Oracle, Polbank, Fortis Bank, Expander, Auchan, PWPW, Lafarge, and others. A co-founder of the Polish-Japanese Economic Committee in Poland and a member of several supervisory boards.

Died in 2024.