Cenne pommeranica i prussica pierwszego półwiecza XVII stulecia w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ - podsumowanie projektu

In June the University of Lodz Library completed a two-year project entitled Cenne pommeranica i prussica pierwszego półwiecza XVII stulecia [Precious Pommeranica and Prussica of the first half of the 17th century], financed by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the "Social Responsibility of Science" programme. The project assumed cooperation with the scientific community, including international one. The project was headed by Tomasz Piestrzyński, Director of the University of Lodz Library, and coordinated by Dorota Bartnik, Deputy Director. The research on the collection was conducted by Germanists from the University of Lodz – dr hab. prof. UL Małgorzata Kubisiak and dr Tomasz Ososiński, and from the Justus Liebig University in Gießen - prof. dr Cora Dietl.


The project covered 433 old prints published up to 1650 in Prussia and Pomerania. Four key activities have been realized: conservation of 29 titles, processing of 433 titles in the Central Catalogue of Polish Academic Libraries (NUKAT) and in the electronic catalogue of the library (SYMPHONY), as well as digitisation and making them available in the Digital Library of the University of Lodz. Researchers who participated in the project have elaborated a bilingual catalogue with a scholarly commentary, entitled Religion, Reim und Regiment: Germanica der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts in der Lodzer Universitätsbibliothek. The electronic version of the catalogue has been deposited in the University of Lodz Repository.

An international exhibition entitled "Religia, rym i regiment. Germanica z pierwszej połowy XVII wieku." [Religion, Rhyme and Regiment. Germanica from the first half of the 17th century] is a culmination of the work on Pommeranica and Prussica of the first half of the 17th century gathered in the collection of the University of Lodz Library. It can be seen in the University of Lodz Library building (ul. J. Matejki 32/38) until 9 September.

Source: University of Lodz Library