Registration will commence on March 24 at 8pm and will close on March 26 at 11.59 pm.
Students choose one of three courses:
– For the teaching specialization: „Podstawy dydaktyki” [level B2 in Polish required]
– For the translation specialization: “Techniki przekładu” [level C2 in Polish required]
– For the academic specialization: “Językoznawstwo 1” [no knowledge of Polish is necessary]
A special meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 22, at 13:30 in room A5 - please be there to find out more about the registration.
Please note also that is it possible to choose two specialties and complete both in the course of your studies. Because this requires the student to earn extra ECTS points, the University of Lodz requires that the student pay 400 PLN (once only).
To register for two specialties, please register for one electronically, and write an email to informing the heads of the Institute about your wish to sign up for the other one (please send your email no later than March 27).