Nowa książka badacza UŁ z programu IDUB

What did the notion of privacy mean in modern times? The latest publication entitled "Early Modern Privacy: Sources and Approaches" shows the spectrum of interpretative possibilities of this notion. Michaël Green – a historian who for many years worked in Western European scientific institutions, and in 2021 was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz as part of the IDUB programme is one of the editors of the collection of texts published by the Brill publishing house.

prof. Michaël Green (Photo: UL)

In the publication one can find articles on how privacy was perceived in early modern times and how it influenced the shaping of the society of that time. Scientists dealing with, among others, the history of architecture, art, the Church or medicine have analysed various social practices, ways of organising space or discursive formations in which the notion of privacy is manifested.

The strongest point of the volume is the interdisciplinary approach to the subject. The authors of the articles represent various disciplines, thanks to which a reader has a chance to look at the discussed issue through the prism of social history, cultural history, legal history or theology. This is the first and the largest collection of articles since the third volume of "Histoire de la vie privée", edited by Roger Chartier, dedicated to early modern privacy that goes across Europe and reaches also China

claims prof. Michaël Green.

The diversity of disciplines and countries of origin of individual scientists meant that a significant part of the editors' work focused on bringing some sort of uniformity to this very diverse collection of articles. Together with my co-editors Mette Birkedal Bruun and Lars Cyril Nørgaard, we have made every effort to make it clear to a reader what "privacy" means in early modern times

sums up prof. Green.

More information on the publication can be found on the publisher's website

More about scientists from the University of Lodz IDUB programme.


Source: Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz 

Edit: dr Bartosz Kałużny