Muzeum UŁ, sala - Rektora Prof. T. Kotarbińskiego

Photo: Marlena Kostrzewa

This is a room where documents and photographs related to Professor Tadeusz Kotarbinski, an outstanding Polish philosopher and the first rector of the University of Lodz, have been collected. Particularly noteworthy are copies of documents from his personal files and his image captured in a photograph, portrait and sculpture. To learn more about it, play the video below.


The audio guide was created as part of a bachelor's project in the University of Lodz's Theater Production and Performance Organization major by:  


Marlena Kostrzewa  


Zuzanna Kozicka  


Magdalena Krzeszewska  


The project was created as part of Dr. Karol Jóźwiak's seminar, with support from Katarzyna Urbaniak.   


The videos were made based on materials listed below: 

  • Jaskulski M., Stare fabryki Łodzi, Towarzystwo Opieki Nad Zabytkami, 1995.  

  • Kacprzak D., Kolekcje Ziemi Obiecanej, Wydawnictwo Inne, 2015.  

  • Klemantowicz D., Łódź w przededniu I wojny światowej, „Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne” 2015.  

  • Kusiński J., Bronisławski R., Maciej Janik i inni, Łódź Księga fabryk, Wydawnictwo Jacek Kusiński, 2016.  

  • Kusiński J., Stefański K., Łódź. Pałace i Wille, Wydawnictwo Kusiński, 2017.  

  • Kuźko W., Biedermannowie. Dzieje rodziny i fortuny 1730-1945, Łódź: "Literatura" 2000.  

  • Laurentowicz-Granas M., Manżett-Kubiak J., Pałace ,,Ziemi Obiecanej”, Widzewska Oficyna Wydawnicz Zora, 2009.  

  • Skrzydło L., Rody Fabrykanckie Tom 1, Oficyna Bibliofilów, 2003.  

  • Waingertner P., Historie znad Łódki, czyli 47 opowieści z dziejów Ziemi Obiecanej, Agencja Reklamowa Grafservice, 2009. 

And also consultations with Dr. Dariusz Klemantowicz.  

The photos featured on the website and in the videos come from the collections of the MMP, WiMBP, APL and the collection of Karol Biedermann. Contemporary photos of the palace's representative halls were taken by Partyk Wacławiak, other photos were taken by Marlena Kostrzewa.