The first meeting of the Faculty of Law and Administration Partner Forum
One of the assumptions of the Mission of the University of Lodz is that our university contributes to the economic, social and cultural development of the Lodz region, Poland and Europe. It is a university focused on cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific and teaching institutions, as well as entities from the social, business and public sectors. The Strategy of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz also emphasizes the need to develop cooperation with the social, economic and cultural environment and to respond to their needs, including in the field of student education.
The presented initiative is fully consistent with the implementation of both of these missions, and the proposal of cooperation is addressed to a group of important entities from the social, business and public sector of the university, including, among others, law corporations, public administration, entrepreneurs and non-governmental organisations.
The purpose of establishing the Faculty of Law and Administration Partner Forum is to create a platform for cooperation and exchange of views and opinions between the scientific (academic) community of our university and a wide range of entities among which the faculty and its staff, but above all our students and graduates operate. Appreciating the role of practice already at the stage of educating future lawyers and administrators, we believe that cooperation with the external environment is an indispensable element in shaping the profile of a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and the content of study programmes and internships implemented within the walls of our university. Our intention is also to profile study programmes and organise postgraduate studies taking into account the needs of members of the Faculty of Law and Administration Partners Forum
– says Dr Rafał Budzisz, Dean's Representative for External Relations, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz.
The proposed form of cooperation will also focus on adapting the educational offer of the faculty to the expectations of employers better and providing students and graduates with a better understanding of the expectations and requirements of the labour market. This will also enable our students to shape their career path more consciously already during their studies. The Faculty of Law and Administration Partner Forum is also an opportunity to use the scientific and teaching potential of the Faculty of Law and Administration and active cooperation with the faculty Expert Knowledge Centre as part of professional expertise, training, conferences, consulting and scientific research, in which we anticipate the active participation of external partners. Thanks to the cooperation, it will also be possible to determine the topics of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses that are attractive and useful for Forum Partners, as well as organise competitions in this area.
The cooperation that we have been already implementing with many of the Institutions may gain a new area of activity, which will undoubtedly provide opportunities to achieve mutual benefits from the participation in the Partner Forum. Our project will also allow for the integrated promotion of both the activities of our faculty and activities the Partners Forum members through wide dissemination of information about all forms of its activity
– says Dr hab. Monika Bogucka-Felczak, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz.
The following institutions expressed their willingness to participate in the faculty of Law and Administration Partner Forum:
- Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej Centrum Szkoleniowe w Łodzi
- Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Łodzi
- Izba Komornicza w Łodzi
- Izba Notarialna w Łodzi
- Komenda Miejska Policji w Łodzi
- Łódzki Oddział Krajowej Izby Doradców Podatkowych
- Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Łodzi
- Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka w Łodzi
- Okręgowy Inspektorat Pracy w Łodzi
- PAUL HARMANN Polska sp z o.o.
- PGE Ekoserwis S.A.
- Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa w Łodzi
- Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Administracji Publicznej
- City of Lodz Office
- Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Łodzi
- Związek Liderów Sektora Usług Biznesowych ABSL
The next meeting as part of the Partner Forum will be held on 12 January 2024 at the Bidermann’s Palace. We encourage all institutions interested in participating in the Forum to contact the Expert Knowledge Centre.