This year our guests will be:
- Sally Grainger, Rsch Assoc (Reading University) and Maciej Helbig, PhD (independent researcher) – scholars specialising in the reconstruction of ancient recipes;
- John Wilkins, Professor emeritus (University of Exeter) – historian of medicine, expert in the output of Galen of Pergamum;
- Vedat Onar, Professor at the Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa and Aleksander Chrószcz, Professor at the Wrocław University of Life Sciences – members of the zooarchaeology team conducting excavations at the Port of Theodosius in Istanbul;
- Sean Coughlin, PhD at the Czech Academy of Sciences – historian of medicine, leader of the international interdisciplinary team Alchemies of Scent, reconstructing ancient cosmetics;
- Claire Burridge, PhD at the University of Oslo – researcher exploring the manuscript tradition of early medieval Latin medical texts as part of the international project Minuscule Texts: Marginalised Voices in Early Medieval Latin Culture (c. 700-c. 1000).
For detail meeting schedule click here
The third edition of the Horizons of the Humanities programme is organised with the financial support of:
- Rector’s Authorities of the University of Łódź
- Dean’s Authorities of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź
- Dean’s Authorities of the Faculty of Philology, University of Łódź
- Dean’s Authorities of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Łódź
- Dean’s Authorities of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź
- the City Council of Łódź
Our partners are:
- University of Lodz Library
- Lodz University Press
- Greek Language School “Centrum Greckich Fascynacji”
We would like to cordially thank all of them for their help in organising the event.