Expo w Dubaju już niebawem - studenci UŁ wezmą w nim udział!

The UL Vice-Rector for External Relations, dr. hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska took part in a presentation of the state of Poland's preparations for the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 Dubai, which took place in Warsaw. During the event, involvement of the UL students in the promotion of Lodz at EXPO was initiated. It will be carried out as part of the Regional Promotion Programme by the Marshal's Office.


In total 25 UL students will go to Expo in Dubai

At the press conference dedicated to the comprehensive business and cultural programme prepared by Poland, with the participation of Mr. Grzegorz Piechowiak, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development and Technology, Mr. Krzysztof Dryńda, President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and Mr. Adrian Malinowski, Commissioner General of the Polish Section of the World Expo 2020 in Dubai, among others, costumes in which the students of the University of Lodz will perform their duties in the Polish Pavilion in Dubai were presented.  

University of Lodz is an official partner of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. During the EXPO exhibition in Dubai 25 representatives of the University will do their traineeship. As part of the Polish Pavilion service they will play the role of guides who will introduce the guests to the assets of our country.

More about the trip of the UL students to Dubai can be found HERE.

Our students can go to Dubai thanks to the funds (in the amount of PLN 602 thousand) awarded by the Minister of Education and Science. The funds were granted for 25 students from the University of Lodz for the implementation of the task: Organisation of international internships as part of Poland's participation in the World Expo 2020 Dubai. The objective of the task is, among others, to improve professional competence and enable students to gain international experience, so desired by the labour market actors.

For more information on upcoming plans for the Dubai Expo, click HERE.

Students of the University of Lodz presenting outfits they will wear in the Polish Pavilion in Dubai (photo: Polish Investment and Trade Agency SA)