Zmiany w tegorocznej edycji Journal Citation Reports

JCR is an annual report presenting journals with indicators. It is published in the second half of June by Clarivate Analytics.

What's new in this year's edition:

  • The impact factor (IF) will be calculated for all journals in the Web of Science Core Collection, including Arts and Humanities journals. In the case of the newly added journals, the value of the IF indicator will be visible only after a period enabling its calculation.
  • The presentation of the indicator value with an accuracy of one decimal place is also a novelty.

Journal Citation Reports presents information about journals from the Web Of Science database in various terms: journal, category (discipline), publisher or country. It also presents a number of indicators characterising a given journal, e.g.: the number of citations, IF (Impact Factor), division into quartiles (quarters) according to the IF index, JCI (Journal Citation Index), percentage of articles from a given journal published in the so-called gold OA (Open Access). The indicators can be selected depending on the needs or use ready-made sets that are assumed to best describe a given context: default (indicators listed above), impact, normalised and source (journals).