Nabór do Międzynarodowej Konferencji Studenckiej BUP 2024

Call for the BUP 2024 International Student Conference runs until 25 February this year. This is the largest student event carried out as part of the Baltic University Programme. Both BA and MA students are invited to participate.

The BUP Student Conference is organised annually by the Baltic University Programme – BUP. This year it will be held on 15-18 April in Poznań.

The conference is the largest student event. It is free of charge and open to bachelor and master students studying at BUP participating universities. This year's edition is titled "Changed circumstances and new threats for sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region". By participating in the conference, students will develop their competences through various types of activities. They will take part in workshops and debates, practicing presenting issues, moderating discussions and strengthening their solution-oriented attitude.

We encourage students of the University of Lodz to attend the event. The deadline for submitting applications is 25 February 2024. Applications are accepted via the registration form. The number of places is limited to 90.

This conference is organised within the RESCUU (Resilience of Education: Sustainability and Cooperation for Ukrainian Universities) project which is focused on contributing to the resilience of Ukraine’s educational institutions during wartime and supporting Ukrainian teachers, students and researchers. 

Detailed information about the evet is available on the website of the BUP Student Conference 2024..

Source: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz