The training addressed to educational institutions management is focused on demonstrating practical methods of using AI tools in the administrative and teaching work of educational institutions principals and teachers. Meetings are held in two forms: offline and online. The training is designed in such a way that the content is interspersed with instruction in the use of the tools and testing them by participants. The tools are used for tasks such as: streamlining the process of creating regulations and teacher evaluations, generating ideas, creating visualisations to be used in teaching activities, quickly formatting PDF files and more.
The training was carried out as part of the programme "Zbudowanie systemu koordynacji i monitorowania regionalnych działań na rzecz kształcenia zawodowego, szkolnictwa wyższego oraz uczenia się przez całe życie, w tym uczenia się dorosłych" [Building a system for coordination and monitoring of regional activities for vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning, including adult learning], financed by the National Reconstruction Plan. It was attended by approx. 40 people.