XVI Dni Japońskie na EkSocu

Place of the event: POW 3/5, 90-255 Łódź
When: 22 April 2023 (Saturday) - 23 April 2023 (Sunday) All day

On 22-23 April 2023 the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz and the Yakumo-goto Club Association invite you to the next edition of the Japanese Days. The meeting will begin with a lecture by Akio Miyajima, the Ambassador of Japan to Poland. Admission to the event is free.

16th Japanese Days 

This year's meeting includes as many as ten lectures, a concert "Musical Views of Edo", two workshops and four exhibitions. Lectures will pertain to political, economic, art, health and entertainment issues. Japanese business etiquette, Japanese investments in Lodz and the region, the history of Christianity in Japan, shinrin-yoku forest bathing and ukiyo-e woodcuts are just some of the topics that the organisers propose this year. All the lectures will be conducted by specialists in the field of Japanese culture from excellent Japanese centres in the country, as well as representatives of other professions, who on a daily basis explore selected aspects of life, history and culture of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Four exhibitions accompanying the event will present a variety of exhibits: traditional Japanese toys, mathematical origami (flat and spatial forms), Buddhist kakemono scrolls, as well as bonsai trees (the most beautiful specimens from the garden of "Mała Japonia"). During the event, you will also be able to visit stands with Japanese products.

The aim of this Japanese festival is to bring the Land of the Rising Sun closer to the Polish audience in an interesting way, opening prospects for mutual cooperation in many fields, based on reliable knowledge, passed on by authorities from both Japanese circles and specialists in various professions. Additionally, an important mission of the Japanese Days is to create an institutional platform to promote enterprises, people, organisations with links to Japan.

– says dr hab. Jolanta Młodawska-Bronowska – an originator and substantive supervisor of the project..

Traditionally, we invite you to the 16th Japanese Days at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, but this year, exceptionally, lectures, concerts and workshops will take place in assembly hall C101, while exhibitions will be held one floor below, within the premises of the Faculty Development Centre. Entrance to the building is from Polskiej Organizacji Wojskowej 3/5 or from  Rewolucji 1905 roku 41/43.

The 16th Japanese Days are held under the patronage of the Embassy of Japan in Poland, the Mayor of Lodz – Hanna Zdanowska and the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology.

Media patronage: KIRIN PUblishing House, Japonia Info.pl, Studenckie Radio Żak, Heiwa.

Sponsors: Fujitsu, Mitsubishi Motors, Fortak & Karasiński Radcowie Prawni Sp.P, Superminds Academy, Mała Japonia.

Programme of the 16th Japanese Days 

22 April 2023, Saturday

  • 11:00 a.m. Opening ceremony of the 16th Japanese Days and a lecture by the Japanese Ambassador Akio Miyajima on Japanese foreign policy
  • 12:00 p.m. Concert "Musical Views of Edo" – Anna Krysztofiak, Lodz Philharmonic, Yakumo-goto Club
  • 1:00 p.m. Green energy in Japan and Poland – Tomoho Umeda, President of Hynfra PSA, Warsaw
  • 2:00 p.m. Japanese investments in Lodz and the region – Sławomir Karasiński, Equity Partner at Fortak & Karasiński Radcowie Prawni Sp.P. , Lodz
  • 3:00 p.m. Czar Kiri-e: the Japanese art of paper cutting – Rina Papandopulu, Senga International Association, Kirin Kirie, Warsaw
  • 4:00 p.m. They entertain and protect. Traditional toys in Japanese culture – Adrianna Wosińska, President of the KIRIN Publishing House, Bydgoszcz
  • 5:00 p.m. Japanese-Polish cooperation in the study of extreme phenomena in the universe – Prof. Julian Sitarek, University of Lodz
  • 6:00 p.m. Shinrin-yoku forest bathing: Japanese concept of supporting health and reducing stress – Aneta Mojduszka, Polish Society of Forest Bathing, Lublin

23 April 2023, Sunday

  • 11:00 a.m. Mental mathematics for children and teenagers according to the Ishido-Shiki methodology – Aneta Grzanek, President of Superminds Academy, Lodz
  • 12:00 p.m. Ukiyo-e, Japanese woodcuts – from the concept to implementation – Dr Tomasz Kawełczyk, Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz
  • 1:00 p.m. Selected literary genres and painting techniques in Japanese art and aesthetics – Lidia Rozmus, “Modern Haiku” Magazine, USA / Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Krakow
  • 2:00 p.m. Japanese games workshops – Aleksandra and Artur Libich, Lodz Mahjong Club, Lodz
  • 3:00 p.m. Christianity in Japan – Prof. Agnieszka Kozyra, University of Warsaw
  • 4:00 p.m. Japanese business etiquette – Dr Izabela Plesiewicz-Świerczyńska, University of Lodz

Exhibitions: 22-23 April 2023, Saturday – Sunday

  • Mathematics in origami – spatial exhibits Grażyna Karasińska-Kraszkiewicz, Polish Origami Centre, Coordinator of the Lodz Branch
  • Traditional Japanese toys – Adrianna Wosińska, President of the KIRIN Publishing House, Bydgoszcz
  • Buddhist kakemono scrolls – Dariusz Szpakowski, Japanese Culture and Language Centre in Lodz
  • Bonsai: the most beautiful specimens from the garden of "Mała Japonia" – Sylwia and Jakub Kurowscy, Japanese Garden Siruwia, Przesieka

A description of the individual points of the programme is available on the event website.

Feel free to join the event!

Place of the event: POW 3/5, 90-255 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 22 April 2023 (Saturday) - 23 April 2023 (Sunday) All day

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