[ICANN] Polski Przewodnik Programu Wsparcia Wnioskodawców

The Lodz Cyber Hub, as an EURALO ALS, is pleased to provide this essential Polish translation of the ASP Applicant Quick-Start Guide as its voluntary contribution to the development of the global ICANN community.

The guide serves as a quick reference for entities interested in applying for new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). It outlines the step-by-step process, eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the evaluation procedure that applicants must follow. The document also provides essential information on financial support options and the criteria for receiving assistance through the Applicant Support Program (ASP). This translation aims to make the detailed information about the program accessible to a broader audience and supports applicants in successful application for new gTLDs.

More information about the programme can be found here:https://newgtldprogram.icann.org/en/application-rounds/round2/asp